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Reading with your children when they’re young and open to making secure attachments is one of the best ways to bond together as parent and child. In those moments of learning, the child grows and becomes more adept at language, life, and love.
At Vinapa, we’re big on fostering unique but highly universal experiences of love and bonding between parent and child. We do this by offering story books for kids that encourage reading for fun. Some of our most popular personalized children’s books are Adventure on Mars and Ocean Adventure, both stories featuring risk-taking, adventure, overcoming challenges, and fun!
Licensed clinical psychologists state that secure attachment is the foundation of all future relationships, self-worth, resilience, self-regulation of emotions, and meaningful connections. The interactions a child had with their parents in the early years promote secure attachment due to both verbal and nonverbal communication that’s occurring. When a child feels safe and secure around a parent or anybody, they’re more likely to learn better, grow in intelligence, and have healthier relationships.
Based on the findings of the American Academy of Pediatrics, statistics show that reading encourages brain development and allows a strong, emotional bond to develop between parents and their children. Reading at home and fostering that habit has a great impact on the quality of their home life and relationships.
Staying present while a parent reads to their child is also critical to the success of the reading time. As the parent reads, they’re narrating the emotions and spectrum of feelings t that the characters are going through, and surely, your child will as well. Discussing the characters’ feelings and how they go through their challenges can display empathy to your child and help them to feel compassion for others. Stimulating their compassion and empathy can encourage them to feel better about their own self-expression.
Sharing is caring!